Serial interval of SARS-CoV2 infections from publicly confirmed cases
We estimate the distribution of serial intervals for 468 confirmed cases of coronavirus disease reported in China as of February 8, 2020. The mean interval was 3.96 days (95% CI 3.53–4.39 days), SD 4.75 days (95% CI 4.46–5.07 days); 12.6% of case reports indicated presymptomatic transmission.
Title and abstract text are processed by Jane,
a.k.a. the "Journal/Author Name Estimator". Jane uses the Lucene search engine
to identify 50 articles that most closely match the search text, with each
article assigned a similarity score. In the Jane interface, journals are
presented in descending order of the sum of similarity scores, as a way of
ranking match quality to the input text.
Extended journal statistics
This app builds on Jane search results, gathering articles and their similarity scores
from separate searches of the title and abstract text. The number of articles
matching each journal is used in conjunction with the uploaded references file
to produce a CAT score: the sum of Citations for the journal among the
references, and the number of journal articles in the Abstract search and
Title search. The app presents CAT scores, aggregated similarity statistics,
and several flavors of journal impact metrics to help inform the choice of
suitable target journals for your manuscript.
Schuemie, M. J., & Kors, J. A. (2008).
Jane: suggesting journals, finding experts. Bioinformatics, 24(5), 727–728.
Journals with articles similar to the search data are presented in four
interactive views. Journals selected in one view are automatically
selected in other views. Click the links below for details.
Prospect is a crude proxy for 'chance of your manuscript being
accepted'. The metric attempts to capture the ratio of 'things in your favor'
to 'all considerations, for or against you'. Here, 'things in
your favor' include:
Number of times the journal is cited in your references (C).
Number of similar articles in the journal returned from a
Jane search* of:
your abstract text (A).
your title (T).
Favorable traits are each given equal weight, so that citing a journal once is
as beneficial to your odds as there being one article from the journal that
appeared in the Jane abstract search.
Counting against you is the 'impact' (I) of the journal, following the assumption
that acceptance rate decreases as the impact metric goes up. A weighting
factor, w, determines how impact is weighed against favorable traits:
1 unit of impact counts against you as much as w articles count in your favor.
Prospect = (C + A + T) / (C + A + T + wI)
Prospect is used to calculate 'Expected impact', which is the prospect multiplied
by the impact. Expected impact (E) is shown in the Table
view and can be used to sort journals in the Articles view.
The Articles plot shows impact metrics, Citation counts (when a RIS file is provided),
Abstract match counts, Title match counts, and similarity scores.
Article similarity scores come from the Lucene search engine used by Jane.
Journals are initially ordered by the sum of C, A, and T, then by the sum
of similarity scores for articles returned across abstract and title
Jane searches.
Alternative sorting values are available via dropdown. These values include
impact metrics, similarity values, prospect (as defined
above) and
'Expected impact' (the product of prospect and impact).
The impact metric used for the bar chart, and for calculations of prospect and
expected impact, can be changed via the 'Preferred impact metric' dropdown.
In the bar chart, missing values are indicated with gray bars. Hover tooltips
show various impact values and journal tags from Jane, including indexing status in Medline
and PubMed Central, and open access status.
Hovering over Cited /
Abstract /
Title boxes
and the Similarity scatter plot shows the corresponding articles.
Markers in the Similarity scatter plot are colored
green for articles found in both
abstract and title searches. Clicking a marker opens the article page
in PubMed.
In the plots of the Fit view, the horizontal axes show metrics that
indicate to what extent the manuscript is a 'good fit' for the journal,
while the vertical axes show journal impact values. In both plots, the
impact metric can be changed via dropdown.
Plot 1
The 'fit' dimension in the first plot is the sum of Citation count,
Abstract match count, and Title match count. This sum was used to sort
journals in the Articles and Table views, and was used to quantify
traits in favor of manuscript acceptance in the Prospect plot.
Plot 2
The 'fit' dimension in the second plot is one of two (toggleable) similarity
metrics resulting from the title and abstract Jane
searches. 'Max similarity' is the highest similarity score observed for a journal among its
articles in either search, while 'Sum of similarities' is the sum of these
The PubMed journal list provides the canonical set of journals used by the
app, with a unique identifier in the NLM Catalog (NLM ID). ISSNs,
abbreviations and alternative titles are obtained using NCBI Entrez lookups,
and used to link journal data from other sources.
The list of open access journals from the Directory of Open Access Journals,
with metadata including article processing charges, average time to publication,
and preservation databases.
Sherpa Romeo
Identifiers from the Sherpa Romeo database, linking to information on
open access pathways, including for non-open-access journals.
Impact metrics from the Elsevier Scopus database, including CiteScore,